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Tennessee Resources
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Tennessee Cooperative Extension System
Follow any road in Tennessee and you’ll find people whose lives have been influenced by UT Extension’s educational programs. Extension agents live and work in every county in the state. They help people solve problems and lead richer, more productive lives. Agents are the two-way link between Tennesseans, both urban and rural, and the University of Tennessee. UT Extension has a 110-year history of evolving to meet the changing needs of the state. As the outreach unit of the UT Institute of Agriculture, UT Extension provides a gateway to the resources of the University of Tennessee. UT Extension is a county-based, statewide educational organization that is funded by federal, state, and local governments to achieve the mission of providing unbiased, research-based information to the people of Tennessee where they live and work. Because Extension emphasizes helping people improve their livelihood where they are located, most Tennesseans have contact with UT Extension through their local county Extension agents found in each of the state’s 95 counties. Extension agents are supported by a network of university faculty and subject matter specialists and the educational and research resources of the University of Tennessee as part of the Land Grant University system.
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